Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Teacher Smashes Rat?
This video has me confused. That is clearly not a rat perhaps a hamster? It's also a little odd how serious the situation becomes. I mean is that teacher really that afraid of a little creature? Then again maybe this is a fake video directed by the guy that brought us Irreversible. Who knows?
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
If I'm a bitch, you are son of a bitch
Peter Chao is usually amusing and entertaining but I found this Christmas rendition to be particularly funny. That final line from the mother is fantastic and delivered perfectly. Which makes me wonder if that is his real mom? If so there is obviously talent flowing throughout that entire family.
Friday, December 25, 2009
We Don't Pump Gas, We Pump FISTS
In the spirit of all the Jersey Shore drama, I came across this video.
Merry X-Mas everyone!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
YT has been pulling all the unauthorized uploads of this video, but the new Vevo channel is a great and legit source for music videos.
Sorry for the lack of updates, last week was finals so I couldn't find time to locate videos.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Social Anxiety Guy is EPIC Win
Supposedly this guy has social anxiety disorder so he tries to better himself by talking to random girls and secretly taping it. I don't know how believable it is but I certainly don't have the guts to approach random girls. I was actually introduced to him by a forum post my friend sent me. A lengthy read then I found his blog, he also maintains two other blogs which I'm not going to post here because it is disturbing.
This guy's pretty funny his wife cries at almost every movie they watch so he decides to record it and put it on the internet. For more crying visit his site
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Next Great Actor?
I love this video .Here is the always excellent Brian Cox teaching Shakespeare to a two and a half year old. All the great talents of the world begin their craft at an early age so this kid may be destined for greatness.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Texts From Tiger
Tiger: Hey Sexy I can't come out this week. Something came up family wise (July 20, 3:04 p.m.)
Jaimee: That's okay I hope everything is fine ... would have liked to see you
Tiger: We will make it happen
Jaimee: I drove out for the night to surprise a friend with a present for there birthday (July 26, 11: 22 p.m.)
Tiger: what kind of present your naked body
Jaimee: haha no a watch I slept alone
Tiger: alone with him that is
Jaimee: haha I wish
Jaimee: miss u (Sept. 27, 6:38 p.m.)
Tiger: now that's hot so who is your new boy toy
Jaimee: no new boy toy ... still running dry... been on 2 real dates in the pat 2 months :(
Tiger: I need you
Jaimee: then get your tight ass over here and visit me! I need u
Tiger: I will wear you out soon
Jaimee: how soon? I got a new piercing
Tiger: really. Where
Jaimee: I just sent u a pic of it ... is on my cheek below my eye ... implanted a little diamond
Tiger: send it again. I didn't pick up on that
Tiger: you just need some attention from me
Tiger: do you have a boy friend (8:45 p.m.)
Jaimee: I don't even have someone I am dating ... no ... u can be my boyfriend ;)
Tiger: then I am
Jaimee: I wish
Tiger: quiet and secretively we will always be together
Tiger: when was the last time you got laid
Jaimee: if we hang out on a Sundway we can watch desperate houswives again haha (Sept. 30, 3:38 p.m.)
Tiger: oh god
Jaimee: take a break from watching boring old golf
Jaimee: I mean the amazing sport of golf ;)
Jaimee: [more than an hour later] babe I was kidding
Tiger: I know sexy
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Michael Bay Style Victoria Secret Commercial
NSFW so link after the jump
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Huffington Post Goes Tabloid On Tiger

The Huffington Post published an article today with quotes from Tiger Woods alleged mistress Mindy Lawton. She reveals that Tiger is "very well endowed" and that he "knows his way around the bedroom". I didn't think the Huffington Post site would be the source for an article like this but hey it's what gets traffic these days. You can read the full article here.
Lady Gaga Bad Romance
Lady Gaga Bad Romance Spoof - Watch more Funny Videos
The original guy disabled embedding, but yeah he sang a whole bunch of other songs.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
More Bad Luck For Greg Oden
Greg Oden has viciously injured his knee again and this time it looked very serious. I have never seen a knee in that shape before. You have to believe at this point his career could be in jeopardy.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Anteater Has Wrestling Match With Bucket
My friend posted this on youtube about a month ago and I watched it again tonight. A very amusing clip of an anteater trying to get it's head out from a bucket.
Russian Teen Fight
Russian Teen Fight - Watch more Funny Videos
This was a pretty entertaining and fair fight until one kid's dad comes in and kicks the other kid with one of the biggest cheap shots I have ever seen. Then the dad walks away like he is just picking up his son from school and all is normal. Is this how they do things over there?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Shoe Throwing Journalist Gets A Taste Of His Own Medicine
I am sure everyone remembers the journalist who last year interrupted a press conference of then President George W Bush. Well it appears the tables have turned. At his very own press conference he gets a show thrown at him.
Talent Trumps All
This was posted on YT a few months ago but I had not seen it until now. A little kid steals the show from a man on stilts. In the end it's all about talent. You have to feel for the man on stilts though. I guess he'll have to wait until the kid is finished dancing and even then it's a hard act to follow.